
Hi everyone!!!

Welcome teachers and students of English as a Foreign Language! Here I am trying to offer you some of the resources I find more useful when teaching-learning English. Here you'll find not only activities to practise, but also explanations and many other resources to improve your level of English. I hope you find this blog a useful tool and no need to say that any contribution will be welcome. So, let's start!

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Mi foto
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Profesora de Inglés de Secundaria

International Women's Day Webquest

Part one : Answer the following questions.

Find the information by clicking on the following link :
  1. Name the country in which women could vote before the 20th century.
  2. When did women obtain the vote in 
    The United Kingdom_______

  3. In which countries can women still not vote?
  4. When did women obtain the right to be elected in … ?
    (a state of the USA)
  5. How many countries gave women the right to vote before the U.S. ?
  6. Name some countries where women won the vote directly after WWII.
  7. Why did the biggest surge in voting rights come during the late 1950s ?

Part two : Analyse the following cartoons.

  1. Click on the following link : and take a look at the cartoons. Click on the first and second cartoons. Why are they funny?
  • The first cartoon
  • The second cartoon
  • The last cartoon : Click on the last cartoon (bottom row, second one). According to this cartoon, what were the dangers of women getting the right to vote ?

taken and adapted from: