
Hi everyone!!!

Welcome teachers and students of English as a Foreign Language! Here I am trying to offer you some of the resources I find more useful when teaching-learning English. Here you'll find not only activities to practise, but also explanations and many other resources to improve your level of English. I hope you find this blog a useful tool and no need to say that any contribution will be welcome. So, let's start!

Personal Information

Mi foto
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Profesora de Inglés de Secundaria

viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

1º Bachillerato: Final Review

   For my students in Cardenal Cisneros: Since we're about to finish our course, it may be a good idea to revise all the contents studied during the year through the following exercises. Remember all these items have been treated in the different sections of this blog, so take advantage of it!!!

Verb Tenses:                 
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Relative Pronouns: 
Activity 1
More activities
Modal Verbs:
Simple Modals
Perfect Modals
Quiz 1
More Activities

Passive Voice:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Reported Speech:
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3